Coiba Classic

2 Days & 1 Night

*If you don’t see your dates available for camping, it could be because it’s during our rainy season. It’s possible to stay in a hotel only accessible by boat just outside Coiba National Park by joining one of our Hotel Expeditions.

Select your Date, fill out the Application, and we’ll contact you ASAP!

NOTE: All trips begin on Friday. If you require a different day, Private trips are available here.

Select your Date, fill out the Application, and we’ll contact you ASAP!

NOTE: All trips begin on Friday. If you require a different day, private trips are available here.

Available Dates To Join An Open Group Trip 2024-2025

December: 20, 27

January: 3, 17, 31

February: 7, 14, 28

March: 2, 14, 28

April: 11, 18, 25

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Available Dates To Join
An Open Group Trip 2024-2025

December: 20, 27

January: 3, 17, 31

February: 7, 14, 28

March: 2, 14, 28

April: 11, 18, 25